Colorpoint Shorthair
Isabella is my first cat and my first ever shelter pet. I fell in love with Isabella when I worked at a humane society back in 2010. She was there with her littermates, and I fell in love with her outgoing, vocal personality. I glanced into the enclosure at the new arrivals and I had eyes for no other kitten but her (and that's exactly how she wanted it)!
Isabella is practically the definition of a diva. She is beautiful and smart, but also self-important and demanding. She takes what she wants, when she wants it (no food item is safe in this house when Isabella is roaming). The only thing she does quietly is sleep, and every other time she has an opinion and everyone within earshot is going to hear it - loudly!
That being said, she's also a very personable cat, loves to be on your lap or involved in whatever it is you may be doing (she frequently hangs out on my grooming table whilst I groom client dogs) and she gives the best "head boops". She absolutely loves to go outside and explore the backyard, lurking in the bushes running from corner to corner at a full-out sprint, and she can often be found snuggled up on a blanket with Chance.
She may at times be demanding and obnoxious, but she's very special to us and we love her.

Domestic Shorthair
While Chance was not a shelter cat like Isabella was, he was what I consider to be a true rescue case. Chance was found at approximately three weeks old by the brother of my childhood best friend in 2011, and brought to me near death. He was cold, stiff, emaciated, and extremely ill. He couldn't breath through his nose or open his eyes, and was incredibly congested with a severe upper respiratory infection. He was covered in mites and had two different types of internal parasites. I took him in and bathed him in warm water, put him on a heating pad, and fed him warmed formula every other hour. I did not think he would survive the night, but somehow, he fought his way back to life.
The next day I brought him to work, and I was told by the shelter vet that he should be euthanized, he was too far gone to save. But this tiny baby had shown me a huge will to live by surviving the night and I could not give up on him. I knew I had to give him a Chance. Almost ten years later, he has lived up to his name and is the most loving cat I have ever met. He is my border collie cat. He is highly biddable, very intelligent, food and toy driven. He knows several tricks, has an excellent recall, and loves to go for hikes. He's the feline version of my Valor. Intuitive, devoted, and extremely loving and affectionate.
My Chance is the goodest boy of cats.